Saturday, August 30, 2008

Project 9 - Response to a Word

Exercise 2 - Develop my work in relation to another artist....

Exercise 4 - Text within a work of Art

now for some colour!!! well, a little bit at least....
- this is my 'everyday'

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Project 9 - Response to a Word

Haven't posted much lately - been busy getting work finished for Submission 2 ..... still going!

Exercise 1: Response to Text

Exercise 1 Response to a word - 'SKY' and what it represents to me is Freedom

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


just a couple of quick ideas for a logo for open arts....

Open Uni Artists Network

Click here to sign up & Keep in touch!

View my page on Open Arts

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Module 4: BODY


Exercise 1



Exercise 2
Structural Line: Focus on Body, Space, Depth and Foreshortening.

....not a good look!

final attempt, standing

Project 7 - Exercise 2

1st attempt standing

1st attempt legs in sitting position

1st attempt at drawing feet (not mine!!!)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Project 5 - Mark making - Cats!

my model and helper.....!

cotton make-up pads

Polka dots with Green 'Texta' (Schneider Permanent Marker)

black acrylic - cotton bud dots!

large paintbrush - acrylic paint

hair dye brush - black acrylic paint